Friday, October 17, 2008

My Personality

For personal growth, it is best to know your personality type. Hence, I took the Myers-Briggs Personality Indicator test and found that I am an INTP (Introverted, iNtuitive, Thinking, Perceiving). I was highly impressed with the result since it described me with a 95% accuracy. Furthermore, a friend agreed that I fit the descriptions.

INTPs are introverted and thinkers. They are the "absent minded professors". Albert Einsteins was an INTP. Although I do not claim to be at the same level as Einstein; however, I've been described as "brilliant", "bright" and "smart". Friends have labeled me their "electrical engineer" or "accountant" because I excel at these areas. For instance, I have installed auto stereo systems for myself and others by upgrading the head units, speakers, subwoofers and amplifiers. Additionally, I am also knowledgeable at basic auto mechanics and can easily perform car maintenance. Further, I can also grasp financial concepts quickly; hence, for the last several years, I've been filing tax returns for friends. Just last month, I've accumulated another label as a "plumber" after a successfully changing a deteriorated flashing system. I can proudly say that I am a jack of all trades. I'd rather do it myself then pay others. I believe that if others can do it, why can't I? I'm just as smart, if not smarter.

On the negative side, I can be an intellectual snobs especially with people who do not strive to do anything (the unproductive losers who can't hold a job and collect free money through welfare). Often times, this group of people have unlimited reasons why they fail and deserve handouts - from underprivilege background, abused as a child, attention deficit disorder and a million other reasons. However, many individuals from destitute families are successful and have 'beaten the odds' so excuses are pathetic attempts to only worsen the situations. Anyone can find success in this world; focus and determination are keys. Don't let unfortunate circumstances determine who you can be especially if you are of able body and mind. Heck, even people with disabilities strive to live a normal life. And if you fail, try again.

On the more positive side, I love learning and analyzing different subjects in economics, politics, sciences, finances, computers and others that I find challenging. I fully enjoy solving difficult intellectual problems. It's the difficulty of solving problems that excites me. I do not fear failure because of belief that I will eventually figure it out with patients, perseverance and time.

However, routine and mundane tasks bores me easily. For instance, I am constantly bored at work because of the inefficient financial system of the government. I'm the type of person who constantly find ways for improvement, but I'm limited due to government regulations and the position I hold is not at managerial level so my power is of nonexistence. I long for a job that will give me the autonomy to strive for continuous progress. Although INTPs dislike managing people and implementing processes, I desire to follow through and see a project from start to finish; hence, I could be an INTJ (Introverted, iNtuitive, Thinking and Judging), so I took another test and came out as an INTJ. INTJs are controlled, structured, organized, makes plans whereas an INTPs are the complete opposites. Therefore, for these reasons, I can safely assume that I fit the INTJ profile more than the INTP.
Click to view my Personality Profile page
I encourage everyone to take the test. Certainly, being informed of your strengths and weaknesses can help you become a better person. So take the test and provide me with comments. I'm curious with your results. Let me know your personalities and what you've done for self improvements.

1 comment:

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